Our goal

Our goal is to help as many patients with cancer in Tazaghine and surroundings as possible.

Some examples of our support to patients in their fight against cancer are contributions to healthcare costs:
transportation costs

We would like to call on the residents of Tazaghine who reside in Europe to stand strong together and to financially help our sick brothers and sisters in Tazaghine and surroundings.

Who do we help?

When a patient with the disease is diagnosed with cancer (referral letter from the doctor) and experiences difficulties in paying the costs of his treatments, he can, under certain conditions, submit a request for financial support to us.

How will we achieve our goal together?
The most important thing to achieve our goal is to work with volunteers and donors, we can acquire grants, both from the government and from private institutions, we can fundraise and send representatives at home and abroad and act as representatives ourselves.
We organize activities with our volunteers, to raise money for cancer patients… ..

Below you can see what kind of activities we are going to organize.

Sponsored walks
Market stalls at fairs
Recruit donors

All our activities are carried out in accordance with the legal provisions,

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